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Dubai Waves

Designing a sustainable vertical city and a self-sufficient Bio tower, I started with the concept by brainstorming design ideas. I achieved that through the task that was given to us to design conceptual models forgetting about what architecture is meant to do, getting out of the comfort zone, and doing what we fear. This task resulted in some innovative ideas. Then, I started developing a concept from the waves since the tower is located at the water front in Dubai Marina. The concept was developed by creating curvy forms to fit with the context, then I started adjusting those forms and moving them according to the sun and wind to strengthen the use of the sustainable features and to adjust to the program. This led the project to go to the next level of the conceptual design which is to adapt the model to extreme conditions. The tower is created to serve as a shelter in a case of extreme conditions such as, extreme rise in temperature, flooding, extreme wind, or sand storms.

My passion for 3D modeling and creating unrealistic designs developed more while working on this project as I felt very passionate and connected to the project. I expressed my self through the project, who I am, and my style.

The concept that I had involved a lot of and that was too hard to model with the skills I had at the time. So, I started learning plugins for SketchUp software which allowed me to model the concept that I had in mind. After modeling the project and rendering it, I used Adobe Photoshop for the post-production part by getting a real image of the surroundings and inserting my project into the image. 

interior normal.jpg
2d flow diagram of windy day.png
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