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Crystal Line

Signifying the past and the future, this building ties a knot between technology and the historic ground in Bur Dubai area. Creating a transparent interface that applies metaphorically and physically to the spectator, the building’s exoskeleton is exposed to the outside as rhomboid-shapes steel structure that connects with diagonal exterior glazing and the internal slabs. 

The form is morphed for the eyes of office users getting a wide range of view of the Creek, the surrounding roads, the historic village, and the internal atmosphere across a glazed atrium. Along with creating an interface between the building and the views encompassing the site, the ground floor creates a “bridge” that allows a viewpoint to the Creek like a gateway. The multidimensional visual connectivity revives the site and accentuates usually traveled areas by visitors who seek some transparency in the concrete jungle. By accommodating all types of users through custom furniture, different office typologies, and technologies, Crystaline has a future at providing business consultations with comfort and a lavish experience.

The concept of the project started by creating three different forms with different purposes, model I is massing, model II is structural system, and model III is program + site + context. Then the ideas of the three models were combined to start with the design process of the actual building.

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